Working with some of the cool redditors on /r/purdue and others, we came up with the ultimate Purdue Bucket List. While not exhaustive, feel free to comment with things that we may have missed. Remember, this is a list composed of things that can typically only be done at Purdue, not necessarily any college or just anywhere else (then it wouldn't be a Purdue Bucket List, would it?).
The list:
- Eat at Triple XXX (pronounced "triple X")
- Try any breakfast special, the Duane Purvis All-American, & Triple XXX original recipe rootbeer
- Eat at the local dives and drink at the local bars
- Specifically: DT Kirby's, Professor Joe's, 9 Irish, Poblano's, Fiesta, Maru sushi, School House of Chili, Knickerbocker Saloon, The Vault, Sgt. Prestons, Black Sparrow, Jake's Roadhouse, Brothers, Where Else?, The Pint, Von's
- Almost have a heart attack while eating at DT Kirby's
- And if you meet the owner, try not to get in a fight with him
- Get a milk shake or fudge from Pappy's Sweet Shop
- Get ice cream from Silver Dinner
- Get coffee and study or read a book at Greyhouse/Vienna
- Drive in & eat at Dog-N-Suds (technically this can be done elsewhere but it's a summer staple)
- Try Famous Franks (but not sober)
- Get doughnuts from Mary Lou's and pastries from O'Rears Pastry Shop on 9th St.
- Eat in a Purdue dining court
- "Tactically acquire" the tray if it's snowing outside too
- Get a Baltimore Zoo at Harry's
- Also do the Harry's birthday shot on your 21st birthday (free on your 21st)
- Do "The Great Indoorsman" at Harry's
- 16 hours inside Harry's (11am open - 3am close), 1 drink/hour, no leaving.
- Do a car bomb at Nine Irish Brothers
- Also try the great food and other drinks
- Get a pint at People's Brewing Co. / Lafayette Brewing Co.
- Go to schooner night at Chumley's (Mondays/Thursdays)
- Go to Thursday night at the Cactus/Piano Bar (at least once)
- Go to Breakfast Club (football home gamedays & Grand Prix)
- Actually watch the Grand Prix race
- Paint a pair of senior cords
- Do a full fountain run
- Engineering fountain, scum pond, Lions fountain, John Purdue fountain, Loeb fountain; optional - waterfalls in Hampton & Discovery Park
- Ride the Boilermaker Special (the official mascot of Purdue)
- High five Purdue Pete (the athletic dept. mascot)
- Hit the Big Bass Drum (if you get the opportunity)
- Watch some of Purdue's major/Olympic sports teams
- We have Olympic medal winning divers and a consistently top 20 ranked volleyball team
- The Old Oaken Bucket bucket football game against IU is also a must
- Get a Den Pop (and create your own unique combo)
- Cross the tracks
- Forward at BGR & back after graduation
- Sneak into Mackey at night
- Sneak into the press box in Ross-Ade Stadium (or just get invited to something in there)
- Sneak into the Jedi Council Room (on top of Beering)
- See the view of campus from the Beering 7th floor bathroom (preferably at night)
- Drink on top of the Grant Street Garage (great when fireworks are involved)
- Go to the Purdue University Airport (because we have the oldest college airport)
- Hike at the Horticulture park
- Do the rock climbing wall/boulder at the CoRec (colloquially known as the 'Dova)
- Swim at the Aquatic Center
- Go golfing at one of our two Pete Dye golf courses on campus (Kampen & Ackerman Hills)
- Read The Exponent, and then promptly fold it into one of those sailors hats
- Tour the inside of Westwood (the president's home)
- Also meet Anthony Cawdron (who runs Westwood)
- Also get a drink with Anthony Cawdron (typically found at Harry's, 9 Irish or the Cactus)
- Write your name on the wall at Harry's
- Take your picture with friends behind the bar at Harry's
- Get kicked out of Harry's (this is like a rite of passage, am I right?)
- Get a breakfast burrito from the mysterious Burrito Bus (this and visiting the airport can be accomplished at the same time, specifically on Tuesdays)
- Throw something into the Wabash River
- Buy & grill some meat from the Boilermaker Butcher Block
- Pull an all-nighter in Hicks
- Take a nap in the Union
- Clap in the middle of the clapping circles in Academy Park (or one of the outer rings, which also give the same effect)
- Watch the All-American Marching Band do a home game march down 3rd Street
- Hear the "I Am An American" speech at football pre-game
- Watch an All-American Marching Band halftime show at a football game
- Do the "Hailfire" cheer in the 2nd half of a basketball game (because IU sucks)
- Walk around the underground tunnels that are still open
- Go bowling or play billiards at the Union Rack'n'Roll
- Walk under the Bell Tower (at your own risk of not graduating in 4 years)
- Learn the traditions of Purdue
- Sled down Slayer Hill on a snowy day (preferably on a stolen dining court tray)
- Attend a concert or Convocations production in Elliot Hall of Music/Loeb Theatre/Long Center and a concert at Slayter Hill
- Watch the varsity Glee Club at least once
- Watch the PMO Christmas Show (81+ years running now?)
- See the giant Christmas tree and gingerbread house in the Union every winter
- Get lost taking CityBus somewhere you've never been before
- Play chess/checkers on the tables near Loeb Fountain
- Actually say hello to someone on the Hello Walk
- Walk in Neil's footsteps outside of Armstrong Hall
- Walk around north and south campus and see all the buildings you never knew existed
- Pass a hard Purdue class with an A
- Graduate
And, become #totesbesties with the president of the university.
*Edited for clarity, corrections and grouping similar items in the list.