Thursday, January 1, 2015

Everything Wrong With Destiny/Everything Right With Destiny

As many of my friends know, I picked up an Xbox One and a copy of Destiny in early October as an early birthday present to myself and a reward for essentially single-handedly putting together a 60+ page report for senior design. I also got a copy of Forza 5 and Titanfall. Since buying all of this, I have officially logged 0 races on Forza, 1 game on Titanfall, and too many hours to count on Destiny.

For real. It's addicting. It's replayable. It's grindy. It's essentially everything that a Bungie game has ever been and ever will be. It's incredibly similar to Halo while being not really like Halo at the same time. And as much as people gripe about it, we still play it week after week after week.

So here's everything both wrong and right with Destiny, both in my opinion and others heard around the web [spoilers ahead].